Monday, February 27, 2012

Garden Bed Construction Complete!

Due to weather and volunteer availability, the bed construction began on Friday, but was completed on Sunday. Over six cubic yards of a topsoil/compost mix was delivered Friday. That day we were able to construct 2 1/2 of the structures, and fill just one. It *snowed* some that day!

Sunday however was much more agreeable, and we were joined by several more volunteers from the community. Special thanks to Central "neighbors" John Walker, Gail Babcock, Sue Odell, Angelique Kidd, Gene Stephens and Sharon Brandt for several hours of shovel and wheelbarrow duty! We managed to finish construction of the 2 strawberry tiers and the 3 4'x8' vegetable beds. Leftover soil mix was moved over to the lower landscaping tier across the school yard.

The soil will get a few weeks to settle before we begin planting our Seeds-to-Salad veggies!


  1. WOW! Excellent job and Thanks to all the community members that assisted in this preparation. Patti

  2. You guys are awesome!!! I can't wait for the kids to get their hands dirty :) Great job everyone!!
