Monday, February 27, 2012

Garden Bed Construction Complete!

Due to weather and volunteer availability, the bed construction began on Friday, but was completed on Sunday. Over six cubic yards of a topsoil/compost mix was delivered Friday. That day we were able to construct 2 1/2 of the structures, and fill just one. It *snowed* some that day!

Sunday however was much more agreeable, and we were joined by several more volunteers from the community. Special thanks to Central "neighbors" John Walker, Gail Babcock, Sue Odell, Angelique Kidd, Gene Stephens and Sharon Brandt for several hours of shovel and wheelbarrow duty! We managed to finish construction of the 2 strawberry tiers and the 3 4'x8' vegetable beds. Leftover soil mix was moved over to the lower landscaping tier across the school yard.

The soil will get a few weeks to settle before we begin planting our Seeds-to-Salad veggies!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 2012 Committee Meeting Notes

Central School Yard - Landscaping and Community Garden Committee
February 8, 2012 Meeting

Attendees: Ron, Kelley, Melva, Belinda, Larry, Heather

Landscaping Information
Jack from Waldbart Nursery joined our meeting and we showed him the areas that we would like landscaped. Larry will fax him the dimensions of the areas, and Kelley will fax Patti's original ideas. Jack indicated that he will look at everything and come up with a plan before our next meeting.

Community Garden
Construction materials have been picked up and are ready for an upcoming work day: Friday, February 24 from 10am-4pm. We hope to construct 3 4'x8' raised beds, the strawberry bed and the compost bin. We will reach out for volunteers to assist in the construction and filling the beds with wheelbarrows of dirt (to be delivered the same day.)

Becky and Jen Redd started seeds for broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage in their classrooms. The seedlings are growing and will be ready for transplant in March! Becky also got commitment from teachers for planting duties in March.

Next Meeting
Wednesday March 7, 2012 4:00pm - 5:00pm