Central School Yard - Landscaping and Community Garden Committee
December 7, 2011 Meeting
Attendees: Ron, Kelley, Becky, Patti, Ruby, Larry, Heather
Previous Action Items Discussed
1. The area for the vegetable beds was measured and first 2 beds will go along the back fence (perpendicular to Clark Ave). Subsequent beds can be added at an angle to work around the hill.
2. Becky's class will track hours of sun on the tiered beds for the landscaping. The garden beds will have full sun. Becky will report back on that during our next meeting.
3. Larry has a call into the MU Extension office for submitting soil samples. He will report back on that next time.
4. Patti researched various landscaping options for the tiered beds. We will get a ph reading of the soil to determine which plants will thrive. Ruth offered several suggestions and Kelley and Ron will reach out to Jack Waldbart from Waldbart's Nursery for guidance. Ruth also suggested Thies Farm for a resource.
5. Different material types and costs were discussed for the raised vegetable beds. The group is leaning toward the long-lasting recycled plastic option. Larry will find out if the plastic is recyclable itself for our next meeting. Estimated cost for 2 plastic beds is $500.
Other Items
1. Ron Stedman expressed that he would like to have funding in place by Feb 1, 2012. He mentioned a grant offered from the Green Committee (undetermined amount). Ron has provided Heather with an official letter about Central School Yard to use for other grant applications.
2. The group briefly discussed a "Seeds to Salad Spring Garden". The goal of this would be to produce enough fresh vegetables in 2 plots to provide 14 classrooms with a healthy salad by the end of the school year. Seed starting could be provided by 2nd or 3rd graders.
Next Meeting
January 18, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm